Sunday, August 4, 2019

Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer In North Bay To Correctly Determine The Liability After Trucking Accident

A trucking accident may result in debilitating injuries leading to different types of losses.For example, it is possible to injure your spine or your head in a trucking accident. This type of accident may lead to lifelong disability. You may become paralysed due to spinal injuries. The internal brain haemorrhage or concussion may result in the loss of motor or sensory functions.Hence, a victim of trucking accident may lose the ability to perform the basic tasks of life or the ability to fulfill his/her professional duties. This may push a victim towards significant financial distress. On the other hand, a victim may require a variety of medical and/or surgical treatments in order to correct the defects or to regain his/her physical capacity. In this scenario, a personal injury Lawyer in North Bay can help a victim recover adequate compensation for his/her losses from the liable party with the help of a ‘tort’ claim. A victim may use this money to support the medical treatment and other expenditures.

It is prudent to appoint an experienced personal injury lawyer in North Bay who has successfully represented multiple lawsuits associated with the trucking accidents. An accomplished attorney can recover the highest amount of compensation after correctly determining the liable party for an accident. Many individuals believe that either a truck-driver or the owner of a trucking company is liable for a victim’s losses. In reality, there are two other liable parties and more than one entity or individual may be liable for your losses and it is crucial to correctly identify the liable party in order not to lose the chance of winning compensation.

Defective Parts

A commercial truck may rollover due to defective designing and this may result in a fatal accident leading to debilitating injuries for a truck’s driver and driver of another vehicle as well as passengers. A fatal accident may even stem from the incorrect manufacturing of a truck’s various parts. In the aforementioned scenarios, a personal injury lawyer in North Bay may hold the manufacturing/designing company of the defective components liable for a victim’s losses.

Overloading or Incorrect Load Distribution

There is a load-bearing limitation for every vehicle in Ontario and commercial trucks are no exception. The 18-wheelers are not permitted to carry more than 80,000 pounds of the total weight which is inclusive of the weight of the vehicle. A truck may overturn due to an excess of weight. It may result in a catastrophic accident, as an overturned truck may hit multiple vehicles. A personal injury lawyer in North Bay may hold the loading company liable for a victim’s losses in this scenario.

It is equally essential for a loading company to correctly distribute the goods along the cargo space according to the weight, as the incorrect distribution of weight may cause a truck to overturn. A personal injury lawyer in North Bay can hold a loading company liable for a victim’s losses if incorrect distribution of the weight of the cargo leads to an accident. Visit Here: BLFON Personal Injury Lawyer

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